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How Packaging Affects The Fate Of Products? – Most Successful Packaging Design Cases

462 views Published by March 24, 2023

“You have designed a new product, you have high expectations for it, you bring it to the market, and then… the sales of this product are not as good as expected.”. “You begin to reflect on what the problem is: Perhaps you have made great efforts in product design, promotion, and after-sales service, all of which are impeccable.”. In this case, a problem may arise on the packaging. A depressing fact is that people rely on clothing, while Buddha relies on gold clothing. People may even have a “stereotype” about a book because of its cover design. Eye-catching and stylish designs always contribute to sales growth. Today, we take you through how packaging affects the fate of products and the best packaging design in the world.


The Science Behind Packaging

Man is a visual animal. Relevant research shows that the color, texture, and light and shade of packaging have different effects on consumers’ choices. The way consumers think is always this: This thing “looks” good, so it should be very good.

Take an example to illustrate this: When you go shopping with your child in the supermarket, the child will immediately be attracted by brightly colored candy and beg you to buy one for him. Relevant research shows that 83% of consumers will choose products with more exquisite and attractive packaging when the product content is the same. In general, 72% of consumers will choose whether to purchase a product due to its packaging.

An article published in the journal Psychology and Marketing explains the reason for this phenomenon: According to relevant research, after seeing exquisite packaging, relevant areas of the brain become more active due to visual stimuli. On the contrary, after seeing plain packaging, the brain will experience negative emotions. So from the perspective of scientific experiments, packaging can have an impact on consumers’ emotions. Your product packaging should be able to convey the meaning of the brand to consumers and leave a deep impression on customers.

“Describe the taste, feel, and experience of the product to customers to attract them to purchase. This strategy is called a” launch “strategy.”. In some cases, the consumer’s brain may recognize such a description and believe it. For example, if I write the words “crispy in appearance,” “chocolate flavored,” and “crispy in taste,” on the package of a biscuit, the consumer will automatically create a sandwich biscuit with a crispy appearance and thick chocolate inside. In this scenario, consumers will have a higher probability of purchasing this cookie.


What Information Do Consumers Seek Through Packaging?

Consumers themselves may not be aware of what factors on the packaging motivate them to consume, but such decisive factors exist and profoundly affect the sales of a product. The following factors are generally noticed by consumers:

-Product name and brand name. The brand and product name must be clearly written on the packaging to help regular customers easily find it on the shelf. In addition, different products have different important information, such as clothing size, food ingredients, etc., which need to be placed in a prominent and easily accessible location.

-The functionality of the packaging. For some products, packaging also serves both storage and protection functions, or facilitates the use, storage, safekeeping, and carrying of related products by consumers.

-Environmentally friendly packaging. With the improvement of consumers’ ideological awareness, environmentally friendly packaging has become increasingly popular. Some consumers will have a favorable impression on recyclable green packaging. According to relevant surveys, 52% of consumers will buy a product due to its green packaging. In addition, “minimalist” packaging that uses fewer materials is also popular with such consumers.

-Unique packaging. In almost every product market, novel and unique packaging will immediately catch the attention of consumers. Under normal circumstances, novel designs will yield satisfactory sales. However, it should be noted that replacing old packaging with a new design may make old customers feel uncomfortable or dissatisfied.

-In addidion, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the audience of a product and have a thorough and detailed study of these audiences. For example, if your audience has a specific age, you can consider what information people of that age would like to see on the packaging.


Cases Of Most Successful Packaging

In this section, we will introduce some brands that have done very well in product packaging, hoping to bring inspiration to everyone.


Coca Cola

When it comes to packaging pioneers, we have to mention Coca Cola. Its red and white logo and glass bottle have become classics, allowing consumers to quickly identify its products.

It is worth mentioning that Coca Cola has now launched a new strategy of “sustainable packaging”: By 2025, Coca Cola’s products will use 100% environmentally friendly plastic bottles, which will be made of recycled plastic and biodegradable plant materials. Commercial giants such as Coca Cola actively promote sustainable development, which will have a significant impact on consumer habits and attitudes.


2. Tiffany&Co

Tiffany’s light blue jewelry packaging box and white ribbon have become a symbol. On the color chart, this blue color is 1837, and there is rarely a “color bump” situation. Since 1998, this light blue packaging has become Tiffany’s invisible logo. When people see this blue box with white ribbons, they automatically recognize it as a “Tiffany’s product.”.


3. Apple

Apple is recognized as a master of sensory experience design. Its product design has few words, but it can convey the spiritual core of the brand. This is because Apple’s electronic box packaging has the same artistic and visual appeal as its software design. The packaging of Apple products is always a clean white box, elegant and concise. In addition, each part of the packaging is also designed very succinctly, appearing “advanced” and unconventional. In this chaotic and visually stimulating business world, this minimalist design has an unexpected appeal.



4. Nike Air Series

Today, Nike has become synonymous with high-quality sports shoes. Before the launch of the Nike Air series, in order to make its packaging reflect the “safety” and “portability” of this series. From the packaging, we can see that the shoes in the Nike Air series are not packed in a shoebox, but in an inflatable package. This design delivery not only makes people shine, but also conveys the lightweight, unique, and safe characteristics of the Air series.